Stories of an immigrant told by a taxi driver
The worldwide diaspora has reached figures never seen before, also creating an endless number of immigration stories that make us see life from another dimension.
This compendium of stories about an immigrant taxi driver shows us the hidden side of the human being, the one we don't see until we break the glass. Stories where souls touch each other to infinity to teach us that human beings are good by nature, but the environment does not allow us to show how we really are.
Listening to phrases like: “Take me to jail, I have to turn myself in”, move the fiber and are like feeling a whiplash in the heart. Just like this one, many phrases and many moments are lived daily throughout the world inside a taxi cab.
Stephen Hawking agreed with Albert Einstein, thinking that the intelligence of the human being lies in the ability to adapt to new scenarios, to new lands, to new environments.
With you the Chronicles of Uberto...
Silent Invasion
In Venezuela, in the heart of Latin America, an invasion project was silently carried out by the Cuban dictatorship, after several attempts at occupation by force.
One of the hostages of the first coup attempt in Venezuela in 1992, tells us this fiction reality novel about an occupation that took place through the infiltration of agents and consisted of the transformation of a democratic system, until it took it to communism, using the indoctrination of the masses, prior to their submission through hunger, border and economic control, causing chaos and the largest diaspora recorded in the American continent.
However, the wealth of the country invaded by the dictatorship of Cuba and other nations was of such magnitude that the project of political origin was transformed into the looting of money, gold, oil, uranium, diamonds and Thorium, the largest in history. .